Look at all those textural elements in this colorful and fun bridal bouquet!

Our Style

While we are partial to interesting textures, rich color, asymmetry, depth, movement, and fullness, our design aesthetic does not adhere to one particular style or trend. Our creations are guided by each unique client we work with and our arrangements are expressions of your personal taste, your overall event aesthetic, and your desired guest experience.


We believe in Guiding you towards Designs that are most Meaningful to you and elicit that feeling you want to Evoke at your Event.

We truly believe that the most unique and beautiful arrangements are genuine expressions of our clients. We will never encourage you to use a certain aesthetic, design style, or specific flower type because it is “on-trend”. Instead, we believe in guiding you towards floral designs that are most meaningful to you and elicit that feeling that you want to evoke at your event.


We might incorporate pink roses into your bridal bouquet, because that was the very first flower given to you by your sweetie and it brings back those feelings of joyful anticipation. Maybe we add tulips (given availability) throughout your reception arrangements, because you grew up in a house where tulips would fill your yard every spring and it reminds you of that cherished time. Perhaps you love the way asymmetrical designs force your eyes to linger just a moment more in order to analyze the thought and intent behind the design, so we add a dramatic welcome arrangement to greet your guests by a true piece of art that makes them stop and say, "Wow!".


While we can use pictures of other floral arrangements for inspiration, we never replicate other work. We feel that every event should be unique in its design, just like every person we collaborate with is unique. We encourage our clients to stretch their imaginations. As a result, every event we do is transformed into something totally original.



We believe in Guiding you towards Designs that are most Meaningful to you and elicit that feeling you want to Evoke at your Event.

"Let me just say, as suspected, everybody talked about the flowers as one of the top three highlights of the evening...you took my vision and made it real and for that I am grateful. There are really no words, however, to express how talented you are and how amazing you have been to work with." ~Michelle

Feel like chatting about your Fantastic Event? We do, too!



17708 134th Avenue NE, Suite 17708

Woodinville, WA 98027




Email: holly@hollyyee.com

Phone: 425.877.9287