I’ve been taking pictures of daffodils recently. It’s Spring and daffodils are growing everywhere here in the Seattle area. That, combined with my intent on being more diligent in practicing my photography, has produced an entire digital folder of really cool daffodil images that now lives in Dropbox. Fun fact – daffodils are also March’s birthday flower.

I felt compelled to write a blog post about daffodils, not only because they have been in my line of sight, but because of their meaning: daffodils are symbolic of new beginnings. Today is the last day March. Tomorrow I turn another year older. On April 1st I will spend my first day as a 39 year old. I have been thinking about the age of 39 not with the quasi-humorous dread of 40 being right around the corner, but actually from a perspective of wonder. Wow, I am going to be 39 years old! While turning 30 was definitely exciting, I think 39 might be the coolest age in the 30’s decade. It’s the last segment before an even bigger new beginning. And it feels wise, rooted, and calm.

The symbolic meaning of daffodils seems even more fitting right now, despite my upcoming birthday, because we are in the midst of COVID-19. There is a saying that new beginnings are often disguised as painful endings. While endings often go hand in hand with resistance, loss, and pain, they open the door for new ways of thinking, new opportunities, and new ways of life. We are all grieving  – grieving the loss of those dying from coronavirus, grieving the loss of our security, and grieving the loss of our lives as they once were. So while it may be hard to envision the possibilities that lie in the future, just know that they are there and they will come. This, too, shall pass. And we will begin. Different. New.

I picked up a bunch of daffodils from the grocery store yesterday during a trip to stock up on another round of food supplies while my husband and I are stuck at home. And I foraged a few spring flowers and some greenery from our yard to make this cheerful daffodil bouquet. Bouquets are one of my absolute favorite things to make, which is a good pairing with my love for weddings. I have not had a March wedding since 2016, since it’s off-season, but for any future couples thinking of getting married in March, you might consider incorporating the daffodil in your floral palette. What a beautiful way to symbolize the start of your life together as a married couple.

green, yellow, and white daffodil bouquetyellow daffodils in a bouquetyellow daffodils in a bouquet with dark green leaves


Lastly, while we are encouraged to social distance ourselves and self-quarantine, we can still responsibly enjoy a walk outside. This can be reprieve from being cooped up indoors. There are so many daffodils in bloom. Go look for them! They will brighten up your day. And just remember that in this season of change we will grow.

Holly Yee


Hello and welcome! Thanks so much for taking time to stop by my corner of the internet. I have been working with flowers for a long time and I love helping people create celebrations that are stunning. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of weddings and other special events.


In addition to floral design, my other loves are hot yoga, cooking, coffee, hiking, my husband, and all the amazing people in my life.



Feel like talking flowers?



17708 134th Avenue NE

Woodinville, WA 98072




Email: holly@hollyyee.com

Phone: 425.877.9287