Welcome Flower-Adoring Friends! I am pretty jazzed to highlight some fun, fabulous floral options for your flower girl to carry during your wedding ceremony. I think many times couples aren’t aware of what other options are available for the flower girl beside the traditional basket with flower petals. Don’t get me wrong, a flower girl throwing petals down the aisle is one of the most joyous things to watch. But there are other beautiful floral designs that are just as delightful. And as I always say, don’t be afraid to break tradition!


I want to give special thanks to my two models, Emma and Hallie, who are the daughters of one of the most dynamic Colorado Wedding Planners that I have ever worked with, Brynn of First Look Events.  Brynn’s energy and creativity is unparalleled. It’s no wonder that Emma and Haille are Brynn’s kiddos – they also carry that level of enthusiasm. Emma and Haille wore darling little dresses compliments of Bella Bridesmaids, spent an hour and a half of their time holding my floral creations, and weren’t afraid to pose for my camera. While I am still an amateur at photography, the ease and joy Emma and Haille embodied during this shoot was just amazing to watch and was wonderful to be in the presence of. Emma and Haille are just so darn cute!! I think they might in fact be the most adorable flower girls that I have ever seen. I am sure that you’ll agree. Enjoy their spunk!



Traditionally, the role of the flower girl has been a very important one. Stemming from superstition, a flower girl would throw petals to ward off evil spirits. Her white dress represented the end of innocence for the bride. The red rose petals that she would throw symbolized fertility – a hope that the couple would be successful in bearing children.

Nowadays I think the flower girl throws petals mostly because it’s a common wedding practice. Throwing petals can also just be really, really fun. Our flower girl models definitely thought so!

a flower girl thropwing red rose petals at another flower girl



The full flower basket is a twist on the basket with petals. Instead of petals inside the basket, the basket would contain a beautiful arrangement of flowers, almost overflowing at the brim. The full flower basket would be a good alternative if you still like the style of a basket, but your venue does not allow petals. Or if your flower girl has no interest in making a mess. But what kid wouldn’t want to make a mess??

two flower girls holding a basket with flowersa flower girl is touching her flower baskettwo flower girls smiling holding baskets of flowers


FLOWER WAND – Our Models’ Favorite! Mine, too!

The flower wand is hands down my favorite floral item to make for flower girls. Not only is it fairly unique, which I appreciate, but the trailing ribbons add to the flair of this fantastic piece. Your flower girl(s) will have a blast waving it around. After all, who doesn’t want to be a magical fairy for a day?

a cute flower girl holding a pink spray rose flower wandtwop flower girls playing with flower wandsa flower girl playing with her flower wandtwo cute flower girls hold pink flower wands with ribbon


FLORAL HOOP – A Current Design Trend

The floral hoop came into the wedding world a few years back and caught everyone’s attention. This unique style is very modern and trendy. I have seen the floral hoop carried by bridesmaids, but this could also extend to your flower girl(s). These hoops that I used were a little on the big side for our models, but I find an over-sized look to be quite darling. Perhaps the hoop could even be used as a hula hoops towards the end of your event!



Also know as the kissing ball, the pomander is symbolic of kindness and love. The floral pomander is a round sphere of flowers attached with a ribbon at the top. The ribbon can be held with the hand or worn around the wrist. This is also a classic style and a lovely piece for your flower girl to hold if your ceremony venue does not allow petals to be thrown.

flower girl pomander balls


SMALL BOUQUET – Keeping Things Cohesive

A final piece you might consider for your flower girl(s) is a small bouquet. This is a lovely option for people who like when things are cohesive. It’s also a great design for flower girls who might be a little bit older. While they might not officially be bridesmaids holding a bouquet instead of throwing petals is a way to make them feel more part of the group.

flower girl bouquetstwo little flower girls holding flower bouquetsa flower girl holding a small bouquet


So, what do you think?? What is your favorite flower girl floral piece? I would love to hear your thoughts below! (And any kudos you might have for the models)

Holly Yee


Hello and welcome! Thanks so much for taking time to stop by my corner of the internet. I have been working with flowers for a long time and I love helping people create celebrations that are stunning. It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of weddings and other special events.


In addition to floral design, my other loves are hot yoga, cooking, coffee, hiking, my husband, and all the amazing people in my life.



Feel like talking flowers?



17708 134th Avenue NE

Woodinville, WA 98072




Email: holly@hollyyee.com

Phone: 425.877.9287